Northstar Relief proudly participates in...


NSR has particpated in various projects, funding home construction for those living in abject poverty in Guatemala, Costa Rica and Africa.  In extreme poverty, even basic shelter can be a luxury.  NSR has  partnered with both individuals and corporate sponsors to provide shelter to the poor on a global level.


NSR provides support for food and clean water projects in Latin America and Africa.  Many of the diseases and disorders prevelant in impoverished contries are directly coorelated to the people's access to clean water and food supply.  NSR takes an active role in delivering clean water and healthy food supplies to the poor.


Through partnership with community resources NSR has participated in financial support for medical relief trips to serve those that would otherwise go without.


Providing support in the form of academics, NSR partners with charitable organization in Guatemala which utilizes sports as an outreach element. Created for the purpose of molding boys into young men that will lead their future families, and entire community, in a new direction, the mission is to effect long-term change in poverty-striken Guatemala.